Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lecture #2

While some lectures put me right to sleep, there are some that keep me waiting to learn more.  I get to experience this every other day of the week in my theory class.  

Even though there is much theory talk during the hour, there are activities incorporated with the discussion.  We get to sing, play on the piano, and listen to the people who like to be difficult have arguments with our professor...It is quite the class.  

I really enjoy it overall for several reasons:
1.  My professor is super awesome.  She truly loves theory and loves teaching it to her students.  She also has a really funny sense of humor....theory's the best!
2. I have friends that are in the class, and we get to have theory discussions.  Well, mostly they have theory discussions and I pretend that I know what is going on.
3. The class is not just lecture based.  There are always examples that go along with everything that is taught.

So there can be lectures that engage people.  Most of the time, it depends on what the topic is and how much that interests each individual student.

Lecture #1

I believe that if the time goes by relatively fast during a lecture, then I must have found it somewhat engaging if not slightly enjoyable at points.  I often times don't really care for lectures unless they pertain to a topic that I find interesting.  

Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, I sit in class and listen to my professor lecture for an hour and a half.   I just want to die some days.  Ok, maybe I am being a bit dramatic. But I will honestly say that I do not enjoy going to that class.   It's not because the teacher doesn't know her stuff, it is just that she doesn't present it in a way that is at all engaging.  

Sometimes professors don't realize that they are not engaging their class with the lecture because it is a subject that they know so much about themselves, and so they are interested in what they are teaching.  

While I don't always care for participating in  class, I think that if this professor were to incorporate some sort of activity to go along with the lecture, it would keep my mind from wandering so much.  

Lectures don't have to be a bore.   Maybe being open for feedback about the lectures would give professors some insight into what they could possibly change to keep their students from zoning out.