Thursday, October 28, 2010


Creativity and imagination seem to be things of the past these days.  Many kids don't know how to use their imagination anymore.  When I was younger, I was always outside with my sister making up silly games and stories that would last us hours. 

It seems to me that as we grow older, our imagination and creativity is stifled by rubrics, specific guidelines, and grading. How does a teacher go about grading one's creativity and imagination? A lot of times, students grow discouraged when they turn in their work and they receive a lower grade than expected because it goes on the opinion of the teacher. 

Encouraging creativity should be a vital part of teaching.  Students should not have to follow as many guidelines as are required. By this, I am saying that there shouldn't always be step by step instructions on how to do every little project, assignment, or paper that is assigned.  From personal experience when guidelines for any type of assignment to be handed in are typed out, I would only do what was required and not try to use my imagination to come up with anything elaborate.  

By encouraging the use of one's imagination and being creative, you as a teacher are teaching students how to use these.  While there is no way to teach creativity and the use of imagination, letting students come up with their own ways to do something will get their minds working.  While all the ideas that students may come up with may not be what you would have said, there should always be encouragement.  Even if there are silly ideas presented, calling a student out in front of their peers will lead them to stop using their imaginations and creativity. 

Creativity is an essential skill to have in the 21st Century.  Without creativity, life would be pretty boring. I know I wouldn't want to live in a world where people weren't creative, it would get old real fast. 

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” ~George Bernard Shaw

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