Thursday, November 11, 2010


Group work.  Two words I often cringe at when spoken.   I know I know, dramatic much?  Well having been part of many group projects or activities in and out of the classroom, I know very well that there is always uneven contributions from each group member. While I am not always the one to necessarily take charge of the group, I make sure that I do my part in contributing to the group rather than just sit around and let everyone else do it.  

What makes a group or team effective is when it truly is a group effort to get the project or assignment done.  When everyone chips in and throws out ideas, rather than just letting one or two people take the reins and go with the flow.  I think that is one big difference between group work and collaboration is that being collaborative to me means that everyone is willing to work together and pull their own weight.  In group work, there always tends to be that pushover who takes control of the group and bosses everyone around.  It's ok when you get to be the pushover,  but sometimes it gets old being told what you are going to do and you better like it. 

My overall view on being collaborative is that everyone is a piece of the puzzle.  Each person gathers the information they are suppose to and once it is brought together, everything connects and the big picture finally makes sense.  I know that this should be the case while in doing group work as well, but it never seems to work that way.  It seems that people can be both collaborative and work in the group setting when they are with people they are comfortable with.  I know I don't always like to speak up while in group settings for the fear of being wrong and being judged because of it.  

While I say I don't really care for group work, I often times am thankful when there is group work while learning a particular idea that I don't understand.  Being in a group and working together is a good way to learn from your peers and get their perspective about things.  

Group work....I guess it is always going to be there. I suppose in the future I just have to make sure that I do my part in making it as collaborative and pain free as possible....we'll see how that works out!

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